35 Min Pilates Sculpt


Equipment: mat, lite weights (i used 3's) and ankle weights

Part 1: Warm up:

1. Floor touch jacks

2. Squat / shuffle / reach

3. Knee drive DD split

Part 2: Sculpt (15 min)

1. Crab kicks

2/4. Floor touch curtsey to front kick

3/5. Bear pose DD split

Part 3: Core

1. Stag. leg extend

2. Scoops

3. Weighted deadbugs

4. Lateral openers

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Equipment: mat, lite weights (i used 3's) and ankle weights

Part 1: Warm up:

1. Floor touch jacks

2. Squat / shuffle / reach

3. Knee drive DD split

Part 2: Sculpt (15 min)

1. Crab kicks

2/4. Floor touch curtsey to front kick

3/5. Bear pose DD split

Part 3: Core

1. Stag. leg extend

2. Scoops

3. Weighted deadbugs

4. Lateral openers

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